New to the sport? How many exercises are there and what are they called? Picsil offers a list of all of exercises, essential YouTube channels and websites with the latest information.

YouTube channels you can't miss if you are hooked on this sport too

Crossfit @crossfit, the official channel:




On the official CrossFit channel, you will find all the essential videos for enthusiasts of this sportWith 1.7 million subscribers, it’s ‘THE CHANNEL’ par excellence to follow the sport.

You will find different topics related to crossfit, such as:

  1. Exercise techniques These are short videos where you can see the different exercises that make up our wods being executed perfectly. This is undoubtedly a great tool for anyone starting out in this sport, as you will get tips on how to avoid injuries and improve your technique faster.
  2. Interviews with professional athletes by Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit . These videos cover different topics, some of which can even be followed live.
  3. Tips on food and nutrition
  4. Wod that take place every day in different boxes. 


Follow this channel to keep up to date with the latest rankings, tests and news of the most important competition of the sport: The Crossfit Games 

They also often post videos of past editions, interviews and training tips.



Rogue Fitness @roguefitness:



Rogue is a very popular crossfit brand that you have probably seen in your box. On this channel, they share  documentaries, interviews, training routines, etc. Their channel has 1.5 M followers.

It’s usually updated every week and they have created lists with the content divided by topic. Undoubtedly, very useful for the users.

If you prefer reading, here’s a great website to reference

History of crossfit, daily workouts, each athlete in detail, definitely a website to have in your favorites and check every day:


Discover all the exercises you will find in your wod:

Finally, as promised, Picsil leaves you a list with each and every exercises that you can perform during your Workout of the day. One of the first ‘hurdles’ we encounter when we go to the box is the name of the exercises and how to do each one. With this simple table, you will avoid this problem. No more excuses, let's train!


Ejercicio CrossFit (in English)

Traducción al español



Double under



Doble de comba

Sit Up


Pull Up


Push Up

Fondo de pecho

Air Squat

Sentadilla al aire

Ring Muscle Up

Dominada + elevación completa del cuerpo en anillas


Arrancada a un tiempo

Dead Lift

Peso muerto

Handstand Push Up

Fondo de pino



Ring Push Up

Fondos de pecho de anillas

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing






Segundo tiempo del envión



Wall Ball

Balón a pared

Box Jump

Salto a cajón

Bench Press

Press de banca



Overhead Squat

Sentadilla con peso por encima de la cabeza

Hang Power Clean

Cargada de fuerza desde colgado

Power Clean

Cargada desde parado

Clean & Jerk

Envión (o cargada + envión)




Burpee con rodillas al pecho

Battle Rope

Movimiento de cuerda

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

Levantarse desde el suelo con la kettlebell elevada

Skip Rope

Saltar a la comba

Farmers Walk

Paseo del granjero

Muscle Clean

Cargada de fuerza

Muscle Snatch

Arrancada de feuerza

Hang Snatch

Arrancada desde colgado

Hang Clean

Cargada desde colgado

Chest To Bar

Pecho a barra

Dead Hang Pull-Up

Dominada estricta

Knees To Elbows

Rodillas a codos

Feet To Bar

Pies a barra

Rope Climb

Subida de cuerda

Feet To Ring

Pies a anillas

Front Squat

Sentadilla con peso por delante

Push Press

Empuje de fuerza

Back Squat

Sentadilla con peso por detrás

Ball Slams

Golpes de balón

Barbell Snatch

Barbell Snatch

Bar Muscle Up

Dominada + elevación completa del cuerpo en barra


Fondos de tríceps

Dumbell Snatch

Snatch con mancuerna

Dumbell Split Lifts

Split con mancuernas

Front Lever Pull Up

Dominada con el cuerpo adelantado

Glute-Ham Sit Up

Abdominales con sujeción


Hacer el pino

Hang Power Snatch

Arrancada de fuerza desde colgado

Jumping Squats

Sentadillas con salto

Jumping Pull-ups

Dominada saltando


Tríceps en parado en paralelas

Power Snatch

Arrancada de fuerza

Push Jerk

Empuje de fuerza + Jerk

Ring Dips

Fondos de tríceps en anillas

Shoulder Press

Empuje de fuerza (push press) estricto

Snatch Balance

Snatch desde barra trasnuca

Strict Pullup

Dominadas estrictas

Walking Lunges

Zancadas caminando con o sin peso sobre la cabeza


Zancadas alternas

Weighted Pullup

Dominadas lastrado (con peso)

Handstand Walk

Caminar haciendo el pino


¡Discover how to do these exercises!


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