What is a HSPU and how do you do it in the Cross Training box?

When cross training, you often come across the names of certain exercises or routines that may be all Greek to you. Don't worry: that's normal. In order to help you, in this post we are going to explain a popular CrossFit exercise in calisthenics workouts that you can find in many WODs. We will see how to do a HSPU in CrossFit, also known as Handstand Push-Ups. 

What are handstand push-ups? 

As the name suggests, HSPUs are handstand push-ups, although they are more commonly known as vertical push-ups or inverted push-ups. 

All of these names refer to an exercise that basically consists of placing your hands on the floor with your feet on the wall as if you were doing a classic handstand, and then going up and down by bending your arms. 

Although it may seem like a simple exercise, this is an advanced exercise that requires a certain amount of strength and balance to do, not to mention technique. 

We recommend that you ask your coach to help you and prepare you so that you are able to do the HSPU correctly. 

Types of HSPU in CrossFit 

As with most exercises that use body weight, there are many variations and different ways to execute this exercise, allowing you to focus on working some muscles over others (as is the case, for example, in normal push-ups). 

Although there are countless ways to do handstand push-ups, the best known are the strict HSPU and the HSPU with kipping. There are also other variants that are done with weighted vests to gain weight, with discs to gain depth, and even with rings. 

Strict HSPU

These are the most common and have the highest level of difficulty. They are slower to execute and involve greater contact with the wall. With this exercise, only the upper body is worked.

HSPU with kipping

These are usually easier to do and differ from the strict ones in that at the end they include a "pulse" that will help you to return to the starting position, which means that you do not only use the upper body but other muscle groups are involved as well. 

In the following video, you can see the differences with the previous exercise: 



How to do Handstand Push-Ups step by step 

 The first thing to do is to find a suitable place that allows you to have good support and space to do the exercise. Be careful not to do this exercise on uneven surfaces or surfaces that do not support your weight. 

Steps to follow: 

  1. Place your hands about 15-20 cm away from the wall, keeping them slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 
  1. With the palms of your hands and fingers flat on the floor, lift one leg and keep it on the wall and, once it is in place, do the same with the other leg (especially if this is the first time you are trying the exercise). 
  1. Once you have your legs against the wall, keep your buttocks and abdominals contracted, while keeping your back straight. The arms must be outstretched. 
  1. With your body under tension, move downwards so that your head moves back towards the wall, making sure to keep your elbows in at a 30-45 degree angle. Lower yourself down until your head touches the floor. 
  1. Come back up while keeping your hands in place until you reach the starting position with your arms fully extended. 

Don't forget to ask your coach if you have any questions. Also, if you are a beginner, gradually work your way through the exercises until you are able to perform your first HSPU. This type of exercise is very common in WODs and even featured in the quarter finals of the 2021 Open CrossFit Games. 

If you’re going to do any variation of this exercise, we recommend you take a look at 👉 our fabric wrist wraps that will give you that extra bit of support to do that extra repetition. 


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