Discover exciting Cross-Training workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home. Become the best version of you!


Almost any WOD (Workout of the Day) can be easily adapted to train at home. Here you’ll find a series of exercises to do your cross-training workout at home:

  1. Rope jumps: You can do sets of high-intensity rope jumps, alternating between single, double and triple unders.
  2. Burpees: Do sets of burpees, combining a push-up, a jump and a squat.
  3. Squats: Do repetitions of squats, whether with your own body weight or using a backpack loaded with books or bottles of water.
  4. Push-ups: Do sets of push-ups, adapting them to your physical level.
  5. Improvised weight-lifting: If you don’t have weights at home, you can use full bottles of water, backpacks filled with heavy objects or any other object safe to lift.
  6. Plank: Hold the plank position for a set time, gradually increasing the duration as you get stronger.
  7. Lunges: Do forwards and backwards lunges, alternating legs.
  8. Box jumps: If you have a sturdy box or stable bench, you can do box jumps to work on your power and coordination.
  9. Mountain climbers: Do mountain climbers, maintaining a plank position while bringing your knee to your chest, quickly alternating legs.
  10. High-intensity circuits: You can combine several exercises in a high-intensity circuit, doing each exercise for a set time and taking a short rest between them.

Always remember to warm up before starting your workout and adapt exercises to your physical level. It’s also important to listen to your body and relax properly between workout sessions. Have fun and keep up the pace!

Now you know a series of suitable exercises for your home cross-training workouts, it’s time to discover a few WODs suitable for practicing at home and adapted to fit your schedule.



WOD: This WOD to train at home consists of three rounds of exercises with a set time to complete each round. Try to do each exercise as quickly and efficiently as possible, without sacrificing on technique.

Round 1:

  • 20 rope jumps (or 50 jumps on the spot without rope)
  • 15 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 alternating lunges (each leg)
  • Rest 1 minute

Round 2:

  • 30 mountain climbers (15 per leg)
  • 20 planks with rotation (10 per side)
  • 15 improvised box jumps (you can use a sturdy step, box, bench, etc.)
  • Rest 1 minute

Round 3:

  • 10 burpees
  • 20 abdominal curls (these can be classic sit-ups, crunches or bicycle crunches, etc.).
  • 15 improvised weight lifts (they can be full bottles of water, backpack with books, etc.)
  • Rest 1 minute

Extra challenge (optional): After three rounds, you can finish with an abdominal challenge:

  • 3 20-second sets of front plank followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Remember to adapt repetitions and rest times to your physical level – our home cross-training workouts can be adapted to all levels, from beginner to expert. The most important thing is to be aware of your level and adapt the intensity of each home workout. What’s more, it’s essential that you maintain good form in all exercises and listen to your body. Have fun and give it your all!


If you’re training at home because your time is limited, here are a few quick WODs to complete your daily workout with no excuses:

  1. WOD (20 minutes AMRAP – as many rounds as possible):
    • 10 push-ups
    • 15 squats
    • 20 rope jumps (or jumps on the spot without rope)
    • 25 alternating lunges (each leg)
    • 30 seconds plank

The aim is to complete as many rounds of these exercises as possible in 20 minutes. Once you’ve finished the plank, start again and continue until the time is up.

Again, remember that a home cross-training workout for beginners is not the same as one in the box, so it’s important to adapt the intensity for a beginner and/or an expert. It’s vital that you have a good understanding of your level and adapt your workouts to suit it.

2. WOD (10 minutes AMRAP – as many rounds as possible):

    • 10 burpees
    • 15 squats
    • 20 jump rope double-unders
    • 25 crunches

The aim is to complete as many rounds of these exercises as possible in 10 minutes. Start with the burpees, then move on to the squats, double-unders and crunches in this order.

When you finish the home workout, do a short cool down with static stretches of all the main muscle groups.

Enjoy this home workout and really push yourself for these 10 minutes!



  • - If you’re just getting started, we recommend the ABS-B jump rope – a kind of simple rope we offer to get started without having to invest too much at the beginning. 
  • - On the other hand, if you’ve got a bit more experience and want to get the most out of your home cross-training workouts, it might be worth investing a little more in your Picsil kit. A good option in this case would be the Bee rope, which also offers customization. 
  • - Another of our recommendations – and an important one that’s often forgotten – are Picsil knee pads. Protecting our joints is essential, but sometimes when working out at home we forget to protect ourselves as we don’t notice the discomfort as much in hot weather. To avoid this, the best option is prevention – and what better way than with a pair of knee pads? You can find them here.



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