He semifinals of Berlin 2023 in INDIVIDUAL category and ere are the 7 wods performed by the best athletes in Europe in thour recommendations of Picsil material to perform each of them:

WOD 1:

For time: 
3,000-m Echo Bike 
Hand-over-hand pull (84 feet)
2,000-m Assault AirRunner
Hand-over-hand pull (84 feet)
1,000-m SkiErg 
Hand-over-hand pull (92 feet)
Time cap: 30 minutes
 180 lb (81.5 kg)
 225 lb (102 kg)


Picsil recommended for the performance of WOD 1 in the semifinals of Berlin 2023:


WOD 2:

As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 ring complexes (1 toe-to-ring, 1 muscle-up, 1 ring dip)
20 single-leg squats
Max burpees over box
Complete 3 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds. Score is total burpees over the box across the 3 rounds. 
 Wear a 10-lb (4.5-kg) ruck, 24-inch box
 Wear a 20-lb (9-kg) 
ruck, 30-inch box

WOD 3:

For time: Semifinals Linda — 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of: 

Dumbbell bench presses
Squat cleans

Time cap: 17 minutes

 220-lb deadlifts, 60-lb dumbbells, 105-lb (99.5-kg, 27-kg, 47.5-kg) squat cleans 
 295-lb deadlifts, 90-lb dumbbells, 145-lb (133.5-kg, 41-kg, 65.5-kg) squat cleans


WOD 4:

For load:

800-m Assault AirRunner
Max snatch

Time cap: 6 minutes. Following the time cap, athletes will have 2 minutes to reset for Test 5.


WOD 5:

For time:

8 snatches 
800-m Assault AirRunner

Time cap: 6 minutes 

 125 lb (56.5 kg)
 185 lb (84 kg)


WOD 6:

For time:

20 overhead squats
500-m row
3 handstand walk pirouettes
2 seated legless rope climbs
20 strict chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
2 seated legless rope climbs
3 handstand walk pirouettes
500-m row 
20 overhead squats

Time cap: 15 minutes (men); 16 minutes (women)

 125 lb (56.5 kg)
 185 lb (84 kg)


WOD 7: 

3 rounds for time of:

15/10 Echo Bike calories 
20 toes-to-bars
60-foot sandbag bear-hug carry

Time cap: 6 minutes

 150 lb (68 kg)
 200 lb (90.5 kg)

We also leave you the 6 wods that were disputed by TEAMS. The best teams of Europe, composed of 4 members in the semifinals of Berlin 2023 and our recommendations of Picsil material to carry out these wods:

WOD 1:

4 rounds for time, with one member at each station, of:

2.5K/2K Echo Bike*
800-m Assault AirRunner*
Bear-hug sandbag hold*
150 double-unders*
10 Worm clean and jerks

Time cap: 28 minutes 

*Athletes must change stations every round.

 150-lb (68-kg) sandbag 
 200-lb (90.5-kg) sandbag


WOD 2:

In MF pairs for 15 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 

3 synchro muscle-ups: 1 partner on the rings, 1 partner on the bar
5 synchro thrusters, 95/65

*1 pair works while the other rests, then switch.
**Add +2 muscle-ups and +5 thrusters after both pairs complete the round.

 65-lb (29.5-kg) thrusters 
 95-lb (43-kg) thrusters

WOD 3:

As a relay (F/M/F/M), complete:

(F1 and M1)

400-m Assault AirRunner sprint
10 dumbbell bench presses
15 unbroken single-leg squats, leg 1
15 unbroken single-leg squats, leg 2
3 handstand pirouettes

(F2 and M2)

400-m Assault AirRunner sprint
15 dumbbell bench presses
10 unbroken single-leg squats, leg 1
10 unbroken single-leg squats, leg 2
3 handstand pirouettes

Time cap: 16 minutes

 60-lb (27-kg) dumbbells
♂ 90-lb (41-kg) dumbbells

WOD 4:

5 rounds for time, in M/F pairs, of:

MF Pair 1 starts:

10/7 row calories
10 (each) synchro alternating dumbbell snatches (♂90 lb, 41 kg / ♀60 lb, 27 kg)
15 (each) 24-inch box jumps, alternating

MF Pair 2 starts:

10/7 ski calories
20 (each) synchro alternating dumbbell snatches (♂70 lb, 32 kg / ♀50 lb, 22.5 kg) 
10 (each) 30-inch box jumps, alternating

*When both pairs have completed a round, switch positions for the following round.
**Pair 1 will row 3 times and ski 2 times.
***Pair 2 will ski 3 times and row 2 times.

Time cap: 15 minutes


WOD 6:

For time:

15 Worm burpees
15 Worm squats  

Women complete 1 seated legless rope climb (each)
Men complete 10 strict chest-to-wall handstand push-ups (each)


15 Worm burpees
15 Worm squats

Women complete 2 legless rope climbs (each)
Men complete 15 strict handstand push-ups (each)


15 Worm burpees
15 Worm squats

Women complete 3 rope climbs each
Men complete 20 handstand push-ups each


15 Worm burpees
15 Worm squats 

Time cap: 16 minutes


SOURCE OF INFORMATION: https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/semifinals/2023/4?division=11


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